Kids nail trap building workshop

More than 100 kids from around Dunedin recently took part in a trap building workshop at Mitre 10 as part of the NZ International Science Festival.

The young trappers hammered together wooden boxes to house traps for their gardens. Each child received either a Victor or T-Rex snap-trap to put in the box for trapping rats, mice and hedgehogs.

Most of the participants were younger than 10 years old and had help from mums, dads and grandparents.

The workshop was run by City Sanctuary and Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group during the first week of the school holidays.

A big thanks to Mitre 10 for generously donating all the materials and letting us hold the workshop right in the middle of the store! It was exciting to see kids from all over Dunedin (and even as far as Te Anau!) wanting to get involved in the predator free movement.

Click here to watch a video about the trap building workshop on Facebook.


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